Cigar Distribution
Non-Cuban Cigars
Non-Cuban cigars usually feature a wide range of different blends of tobacco from filler, binder and wrapper combinations. This eclectic variety allows non-Cuban cigars to offer an infinite possibility of flavour profiles catering to various preferences.
Compared to Cuban cigars, non-Cuban cigar quality control is undoubtably superior.
Cuban Cigars
Cuban cigars are made solely using Cuban tobacco grown in Cuban soil. The region of Vuelta Abajo is traditionally known to be rich in nutrients, particularly magnesium, calcium and iron, resulting in a strong, authentic smoke. This gives Cuban cigars their unique taste and aroma.
A Cuban cigar should be enjoyed and smoked leisurely – the process should be an experience.
Cuban cigars are mostly rolled by hand, therefore giving Cuban cigars a personality. The hand-rolling process is unique for each cigar. It gives each cigar a distinctive set of characteristics while maintaining a strong and consistent appearance and taste for each batch.
Cigar Accessories
Cigar accessories are a must for cigar afficionados seeking the best experience and sophistication in every facet of smoking.
The most common cigar accessories are the cigar cutter, cigar lighter, cigar case, and humidor.
Cutters are used to create openings in the ‘head’ of the cigar to allow air and smoke to pass through.
A well-chosen cigar lighter is the spark that starts the flavourful journey of smoking fine premium cigars.
Every cigar afficionado’s accessories play an important part in the overall experience and journey of enjoying a cigar.