Mighty Milestone has brought in the Diamond Crown cigar as well as Cuesta-Rey and some La Unica cigars – all from JC Newman Cigar Company. These premium cigars are renowned for their rich histories, meticulous craftsmanship, and distinctive flavours, catering to the preferences of cigar enthusiasts.
Diamond Crown
The Diamond Crown cigar, a hallmark of JC Newman’s commitment to excellence, was created to commemorate the company’s 100th Anniversary in 1995. Crafted in collaboration with Carlos Fuente, Sr., this Super Premium cigar series embodies the vision of Stanford Newman, who aspired to create the world’s best cigar regardless of time or cost.
In the early 1990s, when most handmade cigars had a 50-52 ring gauge, Stanford decided that every Diamond Crown cigar should boast a 54-ring gauge. This unique choice allowed cigar rollers to blend six to seven individual tobacco leaves, resulting in a cigar with a rich and consistent full flavour. Despite initial scepticism, Stanford’s decision to go with a 54-ring gauge was hailed as visionary.
Handmade in the Dominican Republic by the renowned Tabacalera A Fuente y Cia, Diamond Crown cigars are rolled by master rollers and undergo stringent quality standards. Each cigar undergoes three inspections and is aged in lots of 50 in cedar curing rooms for a minimum of twelve months. The use of a five-year-old Connecticut Fermented Wrapper contributes to the cigar’s exceptional taste.
The Diamond Crown experience is characterized by a meticulous blending process, a commitment to quality, and a dedication to delivering a superior smoking experience. These cigars continue to be among the best-selling Super Premium cigars globally, and Malaysian cigar enthusiasts can now savour the Diamond Crown experience at Cohiba Atmosphere Kuala Lumpur.
The Cuesta-Rey cigar has its roots in the late 19th century when Spanish immigrant Angel LaMadrid Cuesta, renowned for his cigar craftsmanship, opened his first cigar factory in 1884. Joined by Peregrino Rey a few years later, they formed the world-renowned Cuesta-Rey premium quality cigars.
Once the official cigar of 19th-century Spanish King Alfonso XIII, Cuesta-Rey cigars have been cherished by cigar lovers worldwide for over a century.
The Centro Fino Sungrown collection, part of the Cuesta-Rey line, showcases rich tobacco from the Quevedo region of Ecuador, utilizing a hearty Sumatra-seed sungrown wrapper. Blended with specially aged Dominican ligero filler, this collection offers a variety of sizes and shapes to suit the preferences of discerning connoisseurs.
Similar to the finest cut of beef, the most flavourful wrapper tobacco comes from the stalk or centro fino portion of the tobacco plant. This results in a stronger yet smooth cigar, meeting the expectations of even the most discriminating palates.
Blended with specially aged Dominican ligero filler, the collection caters to various preferences in terms of size and shape.
La Unica
La Unica cigars have been offering outstanding premium cigar value since 1986. The brand originated from the vision of JC Newman Cigar Company patriarch Stanford J Newman, who challenged his friend Carlos Fuente, Sr, to develop a rich, flavourful premium cigar and package it inexpensively, without the elaborate boxes and trimmings associated with premium cigars.
More than 20 years ago, before the cigar boom, Stanford’s vision led to the creation of La Unica Dominican Primeros, packaged in an inexpensive cellophane bundle.
The blend, approved by Stanford, comprised Cuban seed Dominican long filler tobaccos aged for maximum flavour and smoothness.
Today, La Unica preserves its history, offering the original 1986 blend and smooth, rich flavours.
Despite its humble bundle origins, La Unica has evolved elegantly, now packaged in custom cedar cabinets of 20.
The brand stays true to its roots, maintaining the original hand-selected, perfectly aged blend of tobaccos that has made La Unica a favourite.
La Unica cigars deliver a velvety, sultry beginning with hints of sweetness and fruit, progressing into a nutty, creamy, rich flavour as each perfectly blended leaf burns.
Handmade by Tabacalera A Fuente in the Dominican Republic, La Unica remains one of the finest cigars on the market, offering a smooth and extraordinary experience for cigar enthusiasts.